The Red Hookers Fishing Club (Inc.) was formed in 1979 and is one of the friendliest fishing clubs in South East Queensland, Australia. Currently there are around 40 active members with many attending club events, fishing trips and also the meetings, which are currently held at The Eden Brewhouse Redbank Plains Town Square, Redbank Plains Rd on the first Monday of every 2nd Month (See Calendar).
It is the desire of our members to enjoy fishing first and foremost, we do have friendly competitions whilst on club trips, unlike other clubs where competition is their most important issue. Here FUN is our first priority.
Our charter is to promote club recreational fishing, while combining all kinds of fishing into outings for our members to enjoy. We achieve this while keeping individual costs down, by fund raising with Meat raffles at the Eden Brewhouse on Friday afternoons 5.30 - 7.00pm.
We continually encourage and promote fun and fellowship, and of course fishing in a safe and enjoyable environment. Fishing from the shore, from members boats and also from the club boats (which are available for all licensed members). Surf fishing, deep-sea fishing, game fishing, estuary fishing, fresh water fishing and camping all form part of our monthly trip plans. Families are encouraged to participate in all club events. Each month a different venue is selected for the fishing trip, some, but not all of which, are only accessible by boat. Shared vehicles and or boats can be organized for each fishing trip, especially where four wheel drive vehicles are required. This allows people without access, to join in the excitement of fishing in different and hopefully productive fishing spots.