Fishing, Friendship & Family

Our meetings are on 1st Monday of every 2nd month (see calendar) at the Eden Brewhouse. Remember the meeting starts at 7.00pm and we need members to attend. Always much to discuss, see you at the next meeting.
Don't miss out on the Meat Tray Raffles, starting at 5.30 - 7pm every Friday, both meetings and raffles are held at the Eden Brewhouse, Redbank Plains Town Square.
Check out some of our past NEWSLETTERS; please email any stories/photos/contributions to fish@rhfc.com.au.

5.30 - 7.00 pm
Eden Brewhouse
redbank plains Town Square
Meat Tray Raffles

Check out our Calendar for more upcoming events.
Looking forward to catching up and talking fishy stuff every Friday night, come and support the club and the pub, you never know, you might win one of those enormous trays.
We would love any suggestions/ideas from club members on fishing/camping trips/outings. Email them in, or come to a meeting or the raffles on friday afternoons.